Happy International Yoga Day!

Expressing gratitude for everything this practice brings to us

Namaste beloved Wolfpack,

We write to you today with joyous hearts on International Yoga Day (and the solstice)! So, high five one of your yoga buddies, drop into a deep meditation, do a handstand, or just say a little internal ‘thank you’ to yourself for being here and inviting yoga in your world!

At Breathe and Flow HQ, we feel like every day is happy yoga day but it’s exciting that this day being marked and celebrated internationally means that even more people might be inspired to join the yoga movement and hear about the wonders of this beautiful, healing practice that enriches our lives in countless ways.

It’s an opportunity to express gratitude for the blessings yoga has bestowed upon us and to honor the ancient lineage of yogis who have preserved and shared this sacred knowledge through the ages.

If you fancy getting into the spirit and celebrating during this week, we’ve got a few suggestions below for you to incorporate into your practice. To celebrate the occasion, we’ll be doing our own meditation this week at the top of Lone Mountain here in Vegas followed by plenty of Ailo cuddles. Meditation outside definitely offers a different experience and brings a sense of grounding, connection, and perspective. Join us in the celebrations and try a few suggestions below!

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