Are your Habits Serving You?

Making, Breaking and Shaping habits for an incredible 2025 Issue 026

In partnership with

  • Discover the science behind habits and why small, consistent changes make a big impact.

  • Learn how to reassess and adjust routines that no longer serve you.

  • Get actionable tips to build habits that stick—and let go of those that don’t.

Hey there, change-maker!

Sending love from Breathe and Flow HQ! As we settle into the rhythm of life as a family of four, we’re reminded every day of the power of habits. Whether it’s prioritizing self-care, nurturing our children, or maintaining consistent practices, the habits we create shape the way we live and experience the world.

As the New Year begins, it’s natural to reflect on what we’d like to let go of and what we’d like to invite into our lives. This is a time when many of us assess the habits that no longer serve us and set intentions for the ones that can bring us closer to the person we want to be. Habits, when built with intention, can bridge the gap between who we are and who we aspire to become. It’s not the big goals that matter most—it’s the systems and daily habits that help us achieve them.

This week, we’re diving deep into the fascinating science of habits—how to make them, break them, and ultimately shape them to align with the life we want to live. 🌱

Why Habits Matter More Than You Think

Habits are the invisible force guiding much of what we do.

You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems.

James Clear

It’s not the goal of meditating for an hour every day, running a marathon, or eating healthy that makes a difference. It’s the small, consistent steps we take each day—our habits—that ultimately bring those goals to life.

Whether it’s taking a 5-minute walk, journaling every morning, or carving out time to connect with loved ones, the small actions we repeat compound over time, building the bigger picture of our lives.

The Science Behind Habit Formation

At its core, habit formation is based on a simple loop: Cue → Routine → Reward.

  • Cue: The trigger that initiates the habit.

  • Routine: The behavior itself.

  • Reward: The benefit or satisfaction gained from completing the habit.

Every time you repeat this loop, the neural pathways in your brain strengthen, making the habit more automatic and creating an upward spiral. Over time, this becomes second nature. Consistent, sustained actions in this direction result in moving toward your goals, whereas negative consistent actions will take you further from them.

To begin the habit spiral, certain internal and external forces come into play. External forces may include earning more money, receiving praise from peers, having more freedom of your time, or gaining opportunities at work, for example. However, these external factors alone cannot drive lasting change. Knowing the reason why you want the life change (your goal) is key, as it will motivate you to not stay where you are. The discomfort of staying put must be greater than the discomfort of doing the habits in order to keep momentum and move forward.

This pull to change will be stronger when the habits are linked directly to a core value you hold—for example, wanting to be healthier so that you can play with your children at the park.

The reward part of this loop can sometimes seem confusing. We are not talking about giving yourself a sticker (although you totally could!) but instead the internal reward you get from getting closer to the person you want to be—where your actions align with your values, and you are integrating them into everything you do, think, and say.

Other external rewards, of course, may come too, but if they are the only thing you gain from this habit, you’re less likely to stay the course. Your intention is truly the cornerstone of meaningful habits.

Building Habits That Stick

Let’s look at the best ways to make, break and shape your habits for the life you want to live.

What you do every day matters more than what you do once in a while.

Gretchen Rubin

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