Follow Curiosity and Expand Your Life

Nurturing Your Inner Spark | Issue 013

Dear Curious Soul,

As we head towards the middle of the year, you may be reflecting on the past few months and looking ahead to what you would like to welcome into the next. Today we invite you to consider the power of nurturing your inner spark; your curiosity.

Curiosity ignites our soul and gives us energy which fosters our growth and learning. Curiosity is what drives us to make changes and promotes transformation. Yet, sometimes it gets tangled amongst our day-to-day responsibilities, or is pushed aside by other activities which demand our time and energy. When was the last time you followed your curiosity and did something for the pure joy of discovering something new about yourself or the world? 🤔 Was it last week? Six months ago? Five years ago?

Years before we left our Silicon Valley jobs to embark upon the pathway into this magical journey of teaching yoga, we spent every free moment learning, developing our vision, asking questions, attending trainings, and going out there to soak up as much experience and knowledge as possible. Searching to heal our physical back pain, Bre’s auto-immune diseases, and our own personal past heartbreaks set us off on the pathway of opening up our hearts and minds to a whole new way of living and moving through the world. Our curiosity about expanding our consciousness and healing our bodies and hearts led us to our purpose of sharing the teachings of yoga; our Dharma. The path truly does appear as you walk it and curiosity can be the light to guide you.🕯


We can let fear rule our lives or we can become childlike with curiosity, pushing our boundaries, leaping out of our comfort zones, and accepting what life puts before us.

Those of you who have children in your family or work alongside them will recognize how they approach the world with wonder and awe every day. From crouching down to watch a spider, to tasting unfamiliar foods, flying down a huge slide for the first time, to watching wide-eyed as his grandma plays a game with him, Ailo teaches us how to enjoy and savor every moment. He truly stays curious and follows what excites him; going at his pace and enjoying his delight is so fulfilling. It encourages us to also stay curious and open. Children take time to listen, touch and observe, they slow down to soak up the wonder around them. Giving curiosity time and space opens doors and shows us pathways we may miss if we speed through life always looking towards the next thing.

How does a yoga lifestyle foster curiosity?

Embracing curiosity is akin to embarking on a treasure hunt within ourselves. It prompts us to question, seek alternative viewpoints, and journey deeper into our interests. Through this path, we unearth hidden talents, passions, and aspects of ourselves that we never knew existed. A yogic lifestyle celebrates the innate human drive to seek truth, wisdom, and self-realization.

By cultivating curiosity with mindfulness, humility, and openness, we on the yogic path deepen our understanding of ourselves and the universe, ultimately leading to greater peace, joy, and liberation. In our free 30-day mindfulness program called AWARE, you will discover many new things that spark your curiosity to adventure deeper within…

What stops us from following our curiosity?

Sometimes it’s fear which has us squash the curious thoughts of ‘what if’ or ‘can I?’ wonderings which bubble up in our consciousness and we all know someone who tells of what they ‘would’ have done if only they had…(fill in the blanks with any of the following: more time, more money, older kids, better partner, stress-free job…') We have become experts at putting in barriers and reasons why we cannot do the things we feel are innate to us. Curiosity reminds us that unlearning this and embracing uncertainty is key to remembering who we really are. B.K.S. Iyengar once said "Yoga is a light, which once lit, will never dim. This light of yoga is the curiosity that propels us towards self-discovery and inner peace."

The Untethered Soul by Michael A. Singer speaks of transcending fear in order to embrace life fully. By confronting and transcending fear, you can step into your true potential and live courageously. Singer also emphasizes the importance of living in the present moment. When you fully engage with the present and release attachments to the past and worries about the future, you can experience a state of pure awareness and presence. Although a daily consistent silent meditation is one of the best ways to develop your awareness and live more in the now, having a guided meditation is also very beneficial. Flo guides you through an empowering meditation in this Inner Strength Activation class, perfect for reconnecting with your inner self and to ignite your energy for the day.

Are you curious how to embrace curiosity and how to take action on it? We sure hope so or else this newsletter is awfully ironic. Subscribers read on for our pointers to keep your curiosity alive…

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