How and Why Meditation Improves your Life

The Power of Looking Inward | Issue 004

Dear warrior of peace, 

Ever noticed how time sometimes moves in slow motion and other times it races by at 100 mph? Why is it that two minutes of being ‘on hold’ on the phone can feel like a decade but an hour can pass by while scrolling through social media?

Where we direct our attention is the most important choice we make each and every day, so directing it wisely is transformational. Stopping to breathe can actually reset you and help you to be more present, productive, and calm but taking time to slow down, sit, breathe and actually ARRIVE into this moment is sometimes at the bottom of our priorities for the day.

The desire to use time effectively can result in us trying to pack in way too much into a day in order to feel productive (being ‘busy’ can be mistaken for actually being efficient - more to come on this in a future newsletter!) If you often hear yourself saying ‘meditation? Yup, I know it’s good for me… but I just have no time for that!’ then this makes YOU exactly the right person to urgently add more meditation into your life.

The entire Breathe and Flow team even got involved this week to share their own experiences and quick tips with you, so read on to find out what advice they give to help you along your own your meditation journey.

If making time for a ten minute meditation seems challenging, consider giving yourself a twenty minute meditation instead.

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