Transform Stress into Serenity

Reclaiming Balance | Issue 006

Dear Seekers of Serenity, 

We hope your week has brought many joyful moments already. A big warm welcome to the 600 new subscribers who have joined us this past month on our voyage to dive deeper into the world of yoga šŸš€ā¤ļø

Weā€™re just a few weeks away from announcing a big project weā€™ve been working on all year. As we come into the final stages of this project, weā€™ve had a lot of time to reflect on our stress and how we navigate it with a healthy approach. We are delighted to have you join us for this newsletter as we journey into self discovery and growth and share some helpful tips on understanding and managing stress.

In the last couple of weeks, have you experienced any moments of stress which have caused your heart to race or even felt the dreaded stomach-twisting knot inside? šŸ˜– Sometimes itā€™s tempting to wish that we could be immune to all stress - I mean wouldnā€™t life be sooo much more relaxing?!

We know, we knowā€¦stress is all part of the human experience, but if it is too much and is no longer serving you, itā€™s good to have a few tools ready to cultivate better approaches and responses to build resilience for those inevitable stressful times.

This issue looks at ā€˜The Stress Testā€™, the power of reframing stressful moments and drawing on the power of movement (including yoga asana of course!) to put together some tips on how to cultivate an inner peace which is unshakeable.

Pssssttt! If you want more yoga, more content, more love, then hop over and join us on our new membership platform. Simply scroll down to get access to your exclusive FREE bundle! This juicy content is only available for newsletter subscribers.  šŸ˜‰ 

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