Spice up your practice!

Start your Yoga Remix | Issue 003

Good morning and good evening,

We hope this letter finds you well, feeling happy, and healthy. We’ve been spending the last couple weeks focusing on some big projects and filming four new yoga programs which will be released in the next few months. 🚀❤️ Our son, Ailo, began walking last week so it’s been a fun experience seeing him explore the world on two feet. From an anatomical perspective, the whole process of observing him transition from rolling to crawling and now to walking has been fascinating for us. It inspires us to mimic his movements, getting on all fours and exploring different movements and being creative with our bodies, just like he does.

We are immensely grateful for the love and support you have shown us as we continue to grow our international yoga community. A warm welcome to the 250 new subscribers that joined us in the past 2 weeks! Welcome to the Breathe and Flow universe. ✨ 

Congratulations to our yogi friends who won $100 USD to spend in the Breathe and Flow online shop in last month’s referral giveaway. Thank you for spreading the love with others by sharing this newsletter. We hope you enjoy your new haul of goodies. We will continue to offer giveaways in most of our newsletters when you refer us to your community, so post up your referral link on IG stories, FB, blogs, twitter, threads, where ever, and perhaps you’ll be the next winner! 🎉 

This week, we challenge you to try something new. It could be a new yoga pose, class, or even experimenting with some different breathing techniques or meditation. Stepping outside of our comfort zones can make us feel uneasy sometimes, but it can also be incredibly rewarding. We encourage you to be curious and explore the possibilities; find out where your own limits are and how to grow and evolve past them. Yoga is the perfect way to experiment and learn more about yourself. So here’s some ideas for you to take it up a notch!

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